
I live with my wife and eight children in Lander, Wyoming.Jeremy Holmes  My paycheck comes from teaching theology for Wyoming Catholic College, and of course a lot of my writing reflects that, but really my writing falls into three areas.

First and most fundamentally, I write about my family.  In fact, I’m writing about my family when I write anything at all, because all my fun stories and neat insights come ultimately from the rich relationships I live out every day.  This family life is the “new song” God has Canticum Novumgiven me, and everything else is bits and snatches of the one melody.  But I do sometimes just write directly about my kids.

Secondly, I write stories.  These are mostly just fun tales, although sometimes I try to get serious and convey a moral and all that.  My first novel was an epic story of the robot that (nearly) took over Middleton—I think the moral there is that little boys should clean their rooms, but you’ll have to ask my readers.  I also write poetry, mostly serious and some just playing around.  Thanks to a friend, some of my poetry has been set to music!

Lastly, I write about what I teach about.  My intellectual life is so bound up with my teaching that what I write is usually the spillover, the superabundance, of a conversation that took place in class or at the office.  Some of my work has been published in academic journals and some of it in more popular venues, but some of my serious work is just sitting on the Internet for anyone who finds it helpful.  I recently published a book that brings together about twenty years of reflection on Scripture: Cur Deus Verba: Why the Word Became Words.

Aside from teaching and writing, I work for the Aquinas Institute, whose mission is to get all the works of St. Thomas Aquinas published in sturdy Latin/English editions.  Although I cobble together the occasional blog post, and I translated the Commentary on Matthew, most of my Aquinas Institute work is editing translations other people have done.

If this is your first time visiting this site, welcome and enjoy!  Or if you have known me and my work for a while, drop me a note sometime and tell me what you’ve been writing lately.

About the website itself:  I’m running the 2016 WordPress theme, with a few tweaks to the CSS.  All the banner photos are my own, taken in and around my very photogenic home town of Lander, Wyoming.

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1 thought on “About”

  1. Dear Jeremy,
    I came across your blog post from 2015 about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and thought you might like to have information on the 2017 theme. This year the theme has two accents: reflecting upon the main concerns of the churches marked by Martin Luther’s Reformation and recognizing the pain of the subsequent deep divisions that afflicted the unity of the Church.” This theme was selected as an opportunity to take steps toward reconciliation. The theme finds its origins in Pope Francis’ 2013 Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”) which states “The Love of Christ Compels Us” (Paragraph 9) and its scriptural context, 2 Corinthians 5:14.”

    The materials can be requested by visiting the link provided below.

    I hope that you will pass it around, and the result will be an expansion of activities for Christian unity among your readers and local community.


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