The Completely Self-Referential Personality Test

The Mrs. and I have been reading and talking about the Myers-Briggs personality typing theory.  As I took one of the many tests supposed to tell you your type, I realized that my reactions to the test itself were indicative of my personality type.  So I put together my own amazingly nuanced, sensitive, convenient, and completely self-referential personality test.  Choose whether each of the following statements is (Y) or is not (N) what you would say right now:

(1) To be completely honest, personality tests make me nervous because I’m afraid of failing the test.

(2) I can already tell that this quiz is a bunch of bunk.

(3) It bothers me that I can only answer “Yes” or “No”.

(4) Now that I am finished with this quiz, I’d like to share my results on Facebook.

Ready to score the quiz?  Here’s the key:

(1) Y=F, N=T    (2) Y=J, N=P    (3) Y=N, N=S    (4) Y=E, N=I

So what is your type?  Compare your results with the more elaborate test and let me know in the comments box how they compare!

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Author: Dr. Holmes

Dr. Jeremy Holmes teaches Theology at Wyoming Catholic College. He lives in Wyoming with his wife, Jacinta, and their eight children.

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