St. Abraham

October 9

The commemoration of Saint Abraham, the patriarch and father of all believers, who, when the Lord called him, left the city of Ur of the Chaldeans, his homeland, and wandered through the land promised by God to him and to his seed.  He showed his complete faith in God again when, hoping against hope, he did not refuse to offer in sacrifice his only begotten son Isaac, given to him by God in his old age from a sterile wife.


May Holy Mary and all the saints intercede to the Lord for us, that we may merit to be helped and saved by him who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord

R. Is the death of his holy ones.

V. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  And may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in pace.

R. Amen

[To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.]

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St. Dionysius the Areopagite

October 3

The commemoration of Saint Dionysius the Areopogite, who embraced the Christ preached by blessed Paul the Apostle at the Areopogus and was made the first Athenian bishop.


May Holy Mary and all the saints intercede to the Lord for us, that we may merit to be helped and saved by him who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord

R. Is the death of his holy ones.

V. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  And may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in pace.

R. Amen

[To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.]

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St. Jerome

Today is the feast of St. Jerome, the patron saint of biblical studies and therefore my man in the heavenly court.  Since devotion to St. Jerome seems to have flagged since the middle ages, I found an old Latin hymn for his feast day and translated it, and my friend Dr. Peter Kwasniewski gave it a fresh hymn setting.  If you need to ramp up your celebration today, you can grab that hymn here; a midi file to help you get the melody is here.

One of my children is named for St. Jerome, so we’ll be singing the Nameday Song at our house!

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Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

September 29

The feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangels.  On the day of the dedication of a basilica under the title of Saint Michael, built on the via Salaria six miles outside the City long ago, the three archangels are celebrated together, whose individual missions Sacred Scripture reveals, who serve God day and night and who, contemplating his face, glorify him without ceasing.


May Holy Mary and all the saints intercede to the Lord for us, that we may merit to be helped and saved by him who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord

R. Is the death of his holy ones.

V. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  And may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in pace.

R. Amen

[To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.]

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St. Gideon

I missed this one, so I’m post-dating it:

September 26

The commemoration of St. Gideon, of the tribe of Manassa, who was a judge in Israel and who, when he had received from the Lord the sign of dew that descended on a fleece, and having destroyed the altar of Baal, liberated the people of Israel from the hand of their enemies by the strength of God.


May Holy Mary and all the saints intercede to the Lord for us, that we may merit to be helped and saved by him who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord

R. Is the death of his holy ones.

V. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  And may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in pace.

R. Amen

[To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.]

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St. Cleophas

September 25

The commemoration of St. Cleophas, the disciple of the Lord, whose heart burned while he was making a trip with another disciple, when the Lord appeared to them on the road Easter evening and opened the Scriptures to them, and who in the house at Emmaus knew the Savior in the breaking of the bread.


May Holy Mary and all the saints intercede to the Lord for us, that we may merit to be helped and saved by him who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord

R. Is the death of his holy ones.

V. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  And may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in pace.

R. Amen

[To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.]

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Sts. Zechariah and Elizabeth

September 23

The commemoration of Saints Zechariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist, the Precursor of the Lord.  Elizabeth, when she had received her cousin Mary into her home, was filled with the Holy Spirit and greeted the mother of the Lord as blessed among women.  And Zechariah, a priest filled with the Spirit, on the occasion of his son’s birth, praised the Lord, the redeemer, and proclaimed that the coming of Christ, the one arising in the east, was near.


May Holy Mary and all the saints intercede to the Lord for us, that we may merit to be helped and saved by him who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord

R. Is the death of his holy ones.

V. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  And may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in pace.

R. Amen

[To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.]

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Sts. Matthew and Jonah

September 21

The feast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, who, having the cognomen Levi, when left a post as a publican or tax collector when called by Jesus and, chosen to be one of the Apostles, wrote a Gospel which especially proclaims that Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham, has fulfilled the Old Testament.

The commemoration of St. Jonah the prophet, son of Amittai, after whom a book of the Old Testament is named and whose famous escape from the stomach of a whale is narrated in the Gospel itself as a sign of the Lord’s resurrection.


May Holy Mary and all the saints intercede to the Lord for us, that we may merit to be helped and saved by him who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord

R. Is the death of his holy ones.

V. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  And may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in pace.

R. Amen

[To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.]

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Sts. Zechariah and Onesiphorus

Today we recall two biblical saints, one from the Old Testament and one from the New.  Know anyone named Zach?  Tomorrow is his day!  Know anyone named…um, Onesiphorus?  Well, it’s his day, too.  Here is the Martyrology entry:

September 6

The commemoration of Saint Zechariah the prophet, who prophesied that the people would return from exile into the promised land and bore to it a message about a king of peace, which Christ the Lord wonderfully fulfilled by his triumphant entry into the Holy City Jerusalem.

Likewise the commemoration of Saint Onesiphorus, who often refreshed blessed Paul the Apostle at Ephesus and who was not ashamed of his chains, but having been conveyed to Rome solicitously sought and found him.


May Holy Mary and all the saints intercede to the Lord for us, that we may merit to be helped and saved by him who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord

R. Is the death of his holy ones.

V. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  And may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in pace.

R. Amen

[To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.]

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St. Moses

The biblical saint project continues with the man who may be the biggest Old Testament name of all.  Here is the Martyrology entry:

September 4

The commemoration of St. Moses, the prophet, whom God chose to free his people who were oppressed in Egypt and to lead them into the promised land; to whom also he revealed himself at Mount Sinai, saying, “I am who am,” and to whom he gave the law which would govern the live of the chosen people.  This servant of God, full of days, passed away on Mount Nebo in the land of Morab across from the promised land.


May Holy Mary and all the saints intercede to the Lord for us, that we may merit to be helped and saved by him who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord

R. Is the death of his holy ones.

V. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  And may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in pace.

R. Amen

[To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.]

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